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Eisenhower Boardroom with carpeted floors and long table at Mountain View Grand Resort & Spa - Eisenhower Boardroom

Eisenhower Boardroom

Eisenhower Boardroom

Size: 308.00Sq ft | 
Dimension: 22 x 14ft | 
Height: 8.5ft

Looking out on inspiring mountain views, the well-appointed Eisenhower Boardroom offers a built-in 86-inch TV and a prime location in the main hotel. 

Venue Amenities

Venue Capacities

Venue Banquet Board Room (Conference) Classroom Reception (Cocktail Rounds) Cabaret (Crescent Rounds) Exhibit (6' Tabletop) Hollow Square Theatre U-Shape
Eisenhower Boardroom - 12 - - - - - - -
Eisenhower Boardroom
Banquet -
Board Room (Conference) 12
Classroom -
Reception (Cocktail Rounds) -
Cabaret (Crescent Rounds) -
Exhibit (6' Tabletop) -
Hollow Square -
Theatre -
U-Shape -