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U-shaped table and screen in Coolidge Room at Mountain View Grand Resort - Coolidge Room

Coolidge Room

Coolidge Room

Size: 452.00Sq ft | 
Dimension: 23 x 20ft | 
Height: 11ft

Featuring a built-in 75-inch TV to go with its classic features, the Coolidge Room in Presidential Hall offers capacity for up to 24 guests.

Venue Amenities

Venue Capacities

Venue Banquet Board Room (Conference) Classroom Reception (Cocktail Rounds) Cabaret (Crescent Rounds) Exhibit (6' Tabletop) Hollow Square Theatre U-Shape
Coolidge Room 20 - 24 18 18 - 18 5 18 32 18
Coolidge Room
Banquet 20 - 24
Board Room (Conference) 18
Classroom 18
Reception (Cocktail Rounds) -
Cabaret (Crescent Rounds) 18
Exhibit (6' Tabletop) 5
Hollow Square 18
Theatre 32
U-Shape 18